The Canadian Conservation Photographers Collective is proud to present its second awareness campaign, Vanishing: The Biodiversity Crisis in Canada. We’ve spoken with leading conservation experts to take stock of biodiversity in Canada. At the same time, we’ve tapped into the world-class photographic expertise of CCPC members to visually illustrate every facet of the crisis. We’ve packaged both of these into a beautiful briefing document and a short documentary video that we hope can help shine a light on problems and solutions to biodiversity loss.
Why biodiversity?

Biodiversity is about more than just the number of species in an area. For every species there are a wide array of interrelationships. Removing one species from this web of dependencies weakens every other species connected to it. This in turn strains those connected two or three or more degrees away. Humans are in this great food web alongside the world’s animals, and we are one bad domino effect away from catastrophe. Biodiversity loss is rapidly deteriorating the foundations of what allows us to feed ourselves and maintain a habitable environment.
The effects of biodiversity loss can seem distant to many. Biodiversity has been on a steep decline for decades, but most people living in cities have limited exposure to wildlife over those timeframes. This poses a unique opportunity for us to highlight the data behind biodiversity loss, and to visually convey its causes and solutions.
The causes of biodiversity loss

We’re eager to explore the five main causes of biodiversity loss.
While it's convenient to frame these forces as distinct pillars, they often overlap and exacerbate one another.
Our partners
The Vanishing campaign would not have been possible without the participation of our non-profit partners. Their expertise in their respective fields has informed our campaign materials.
The CCPC thanks everyone in these organizations. Their passion is an ongoing inspiration.
Regardless of your familiarity with biodiversity loss, dive into our campaign document to learn about its nuances, and explore how we can start to address it. While the situation is dire, we’re optimistic about inspiring large-scale change.